An Education Loan is a form of financial support from any bank or financial institution that enable a student for taking higher education. Availability of the education loan, at the appropriate time will help millions of deserving bright young Indians to achieve their dreams come true. All graduation, post-graduation and professional courses from institutes approved by the state and central government and also from foreign universities are eligible for a loan. Several institutes/ colleges have tied up with various banks, for the benefit of prospective students. For studies in India one can get loans up to Rs. 7.5 lakh and up to Rs. 15 lakh for studies abroad. Before giving the loan, banks study the viability of the borrower based on personal discussions with the student, family's assets and annual income, the nature of the course and reputation of the institute.
IBMT is around the Top 5 MBA Colleges in Bangalore, India which likewise incorporates courses to advance the correspondence, presentation, imagination, social aptitudes and group building abilities in an individual. Learning and educating to the scholars. There are some cheapest MBA colleges in India. They achieve this by ensuring an optimum MBA admission fee structure while still employing the best teaching faculty. Join some of the Cheapest MBA Colleges in Bangalore, India by enrolling into MBA courses and availing the MBA scholarships in India. The cheapest MBA colleges in India also provide the best management education India. Some of the cheap MBA colleges in India also are listed in the Top 50 MBA colleges in India and top 20 MBA colleges in India
Government of India in consultation with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banker's Association (IBA) has framed a Comprehensive Educational Loan Scheme to ensure that no deserving student in the Country is deprived of higher education for want of finances. The new scheme covers all type of courses including professional courses in schools and colleges in India and abroad.
Please click on the name of the banks below to access the details of the education loans provided by them-
PremPrabhat Educational & Cultural Trust is a private Trust created out of family assets of various members who have gifted part of their wealth for charitable purposes. Specific mention is made to the two categories of students: (1) talented meritorious students from financially challenged back ground; and (2) the girls in general for higher and other professional, vocational education.
Rajiv Gandhi Academy For Professional & Advanced Learning (RAGPAL) Trust has been created to take forward the vision of Late Sh. Rajiv Gandhi who saw a leading role for India in the 21st century. The Trust activities are focused on supporting educational and cultural activities. The Specific mention is made to the regions lying away from the mainstream and the marginalized sections of society. The trust places special importance to the students from Northeastern region, minorities and the women candidates. Candidates who have excelled in the field of sports, cultural activity, creative and performing arts and those who have made extraordinary contribution in the social sector, NGO activity will be given preference.
Allahabad Bank | Andhra Bank |
Axis Bank | Bank of Baroda |
Bank of India | Bank of Maharashtra |
Bank of Rajasthan | Canara Bank |
Catholic Syrian Bank | Central Bank of India |
Cosmos Bank | Credila's Education Loan |
Dena Bank | Development Credit Bank |
Dhanalakmi Bank | Federal Bank |
HDFC Bank | IDBI |
Indian Bank | Indian Overseas Bank |
J&K Bank | Karnataka Bank |
Oriental Bank of Commerce | Punjab and Sind Bank |
Punjab National Bank | State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur |
State Bank of Hyderabad | State Bank of India |
State Bank of Indore | State Bank of Mysore |
State Bank of Saurashtra | State Bank of Travancore |
Syndicate Bank | UCO Bank |
Union Bank of India | United Bank Of India |
Vijaya Banks |
Institute Of Business Management & Technology
#298,100 Feet Ring Road, Banashankari 3rd Stage,
Bangalore - 560 085. India.
: +91 9008026666, +91 9008026668
Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a specialized program that allows graduates to gain better understanding of various business management functions.
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